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Websites, articles, and documents on topics related to the Enformationism hypothesis. They are for topical reference only, and are not necessarily in full agreement with this thesis. Most of the authors go beyond the bounds of settled science in their search for answers. Click on the highlighted links to view the documents.

The Answers To Everything : PDF document. A concise science-based perspective of the following topics:  Cosmic composition, Reality, Perception, Awareness, Multiverses, Immortality, Consciousness, Intelligence, Real Intelligent Design, Free Will, Religion, and more - all from the Essean point of view.

Everything Forever : Learning to See Timelessness. Website. Zero exists now, it has always existed, and it will always exist. It is the native state of existence. It is what David Bohm called implicate order. It is the timeless quantum superposition of all universes and all life in an infinite universe.

Integral Review : Website. An online, peer-reviewed journal published twice annually. IR publishes a transdisciplinary and transcultural range of works that, taken as a whole, model integral ways of perceiving, thinking, researching, and serving the world we live in.

Introduction to the Theory of Enformed Systems : A Tutorial on Reductionism vs. Holism. HTML document. Articles about Enformy, Systemics, Consciousness, Self-Awareness, Holism, Organization, Life per se, or the Mind-Body problem.

Principia Cybernetica : Website.This is the website of the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP), an international organization. The Project aims to develop a complete philosophy or "world-view", based on the principles of evolutionary cybernetics.

The Theory of Enformed Gestalts : A Model of Life, Mind, Health. HTML document. Articles about Enformy, Systemics, Consciousness, Self-Awareness, Holism, Organization, Life per se, or the Mind-Body problem.$advance.html

Worldviews : From Fragmentation to Integration. PDF document. This is a non-profit organization established in 1990, which has reacted to the modern dilemma of fragmentation and disintegration by calling for integrating world-view research.

BothAnd Blog : Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia;  Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.
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Due to historical associations, I often have to explain to people that meta-physics is not super-natural in the old spooky sense. It's just a part of Nature that has been beyond our understanding until recently. Hence philosophers and scientists were forced to either file-away Mind-Soul-Spirit in a transcendent supernatural realm, or carelessly lump it into the same natural category with the physical Brain. But Mind, defined as the "function" of a brain, is still referring to something other than the material substance of the brain---yet what that non-physical "substance" might be is hard to say. So I just call it by the common name, Information.

The Stuff of Thought By Steven Pinker


• Language is an artificial, cultural form of Information, consisting of discrete chunks of meaning called Memes.

• Thought is an innate, natural form of Information, which is a continuous and fluid flow of meaning called Feelings.

• Subconscious Feelings condense into conscious Memes as they are expressed into language, and built into culture.

• Mathematics is an even more abstract, artificial form of Language called formal Logic. It is analogous to the subconscious computations of inference–-our pre-verbal reasoning processes–-called Fuzzy Logic.

• Conscious thought takes the granular form of words. Sub-conscious thought consists of amorphous emotions and inferences.


The job of empirical scientists is to study phenomena "out there" in the natural (or physical) world without regard to any "nonphysical" entities which may or may not actually exist. They deal with "physical reality," an objectively-defined reality which exists "independently" of our observations or wishes. Or so it is supposed.

What would happen, however, if this supposition turns out to be not quite true or correct? What would happen if it turns out that quantum theory forces us to believe that "physical" reality is actually "created" by our observation of it?

—- Dr. Jonathan Dolhenty


I suppose it is the treasure of knowing that the infinite whole exists everywhere, in every part of the universe, which has led me to conclude that existence reduces to meaning. . . . I imagine meaning and physical reality as the same thing.

—- Gevin Giorbran

          Everything Forever


Dr. Dolhenty, in the side note below left, asks the Quantum Enigma question. Does physical reality depend on metaphysical consciousness for existence? The usual implication is that the mind of the human observer creates its own reality. There may be some truth to that, but the subjective experience of reality is categorically different from the objective reality that Science intends to observe. For true objectivity, you would need an observer outside the system to “create” the reality of that system. My candidate for that job would be an eternal con-sciousness, independent of our human subjective observations.