Philosophical musings on Quanta & Qualia; Materialism & Spiritualism; Science & Religion; Pragmatism & Idealism, etc.
Post 87. June 16, 2019 continued . . . .
Paradox of FreeWill
Intuitive Freedom versus Rational Robots
Apparently, the majority of intuitive people in the world feel free to make choices about their destiny, while a few rational philosophers, theologians, and scientists reason that both divine omniscience and secular cause & effect leave no room for humans to “want what they want”. Nevertheless, like Mr. Unwin, I have concluded that the inexorable power of physical Cause & Effect has an Achilles heel. And that weakness is the Randomness at the root of Quantum Physics. Classical Physics assumed that each cause was inevitably followed by a direct effect. Yet, Quantum Mechanics is not quite so mechanical, but essentially mathematical (i.e. statistical). Hence, experimenters can only predict the future state of a system to some degree of Probability, in a range between 0 and 100% – the Uncertain-
Likewise, empirical experiments6 by neurologists have shown that the conscious mind has little control over behavior. Yet, even Libet noticed a tiny interval, between an action potential and the actual action, that might allow time for a conscious veto over a predetermined sub-
I summarize my personal hypothesis of FreeWill Within Determinism8 as follows : Freewill is the ability of self-
PS___As far as we can tell, the statistical dice are not loaded. In that sense, life is fair, but it is not all about you. What counts is how much you bet on each roll of the dice. And the Die is not Cast, until the fat lady sings.
End of Post 87
5. Indeterminacy :
“Prior to quantum physics, it was thought that
(a) a physical system had a determinate state which uniquely determined all the values of its measurable properties, and conversely
(b) the values of its measurable properties uniquely determined the state.”
6. Libet Experiment :
“Since free will is best understood as a complex idea combining two antagonistic concepts -
Denial of Freewill
7. Nature vs Culture :
Nature is clearly determin-
8. Freewill vs Determinism
Blog Post 48
Until Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the die was not cast. He could freely choose a different destiny.
Moral Responsibility
to disobey
the law of
cause & effect
God does not play dice
But the piper of physics plays a syncopated tune
The quanta
cha cha
Without FreeWill Nature is value-
9. If you come to a fork in the road, take it :
The Freewill Agent doesn’t create the yoke in the road, but he does choose one or the other branch . . . some-