The Symmetry Argument/Method ... ent/557778
Symmetry is basically Dualism (Indian Philosophy), the idea/belief that the universe is made up of two but opposite parts. The Chinese version of this idea is Yin And Yang
The idea is rather simple, examples will illustrate this: Hot-Cold, Tall-Short, Big-Small, Light-Dark, Male-Female, Particle-Antiparticle, etc.. Basically, thing vs anti-thing — TheMadFool
This is very similar to my own BothAnd worldview, in which all parts of the world have balancing counterparts. Hence logically & necessarily, Dualism is inherent in Reality. But the second half of my notion is that dualism was necessary to create distinctions, and to allow for change. If the physical world was monistic, there would be only one big thing, and no room for change. However, you could also argue that the a priori Singularity (or G*D) was monistic and holistic, but then in an unprovoked act of creation, split like nuclear fission into a Big Bang, first into two halves (e.g. matter-antimatter). Then, as a chain-reaction, it continued to divide in a manner similar to meiosis of living cells. ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
6. Since there's a being that's powerless, ignorant, and bad (me :sad:), there has to be an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being (God proven). — TheMadFool
Unfortunately, this exposition of the Symmetry Axiom, may have too many variables, to hold-up as a logical argument. Besides, an all-encompassing Unity, could not exist within our imperfect and ever-changing reality. Nevertheless, I reached a similar holistic G*D conclusion via a different line of reasoning. It's based on the notion that evolution is executing a Program, which must have a Programmer. Yet, the relationship between Programmer and Program is not symmetrical, it's conceptual. The whole is not just another part, or a counterpart.
TPF : Symmetry, Dualism, Holism
Re: TPF : Symmetry, Dualism, Holism
Unfortunately, this exposition of the Symmetry Axiom, may have too many variables — Gnomon
Just two: Thing vs Anti-thing! — TheMadFool
The variables I referred to are "powerless, ignorant, and bad" and "all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good". These attributed qualities exist only in the minds of observers, and are mediated by personal values. Unfortunately, those human values are seldom simply black vs white.
Perhaps a more accurate term for what you have in mind is conceptual Complementarity instead of physical Symmetry.
Both/And Principle :
My coinage for the holistic principle of Complementarity, as illustrated in the Yin/Yang symbol. Opposing or contrasting concepts are always part of a greater whole. Conflicts between parts can be reconciled or harmonized by putting them into the context of a whole system.
Just two: Thing vs Anti-thing! — TheMadFool
The variables I referred to are "powerless, ignorant, and bad" and "all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good". These attributed qualities exist only in the minds of observers, and are mediated by personal values. Unfortunately, those human values are seldom simply black vs white.
Perhaps a more accurate term for what you have in mind is conceptual Complementarity instead of physical Symmetry.
Both/And Principle :
My coinage for the holistic principle of Complementarity, as illustrated in the Yin/Yang symbol. Opposing or contrasting concepts are always part of a greater whole. Conflicts between parts can be reconciled or harmonized by putting them into the context of a whole system.
Re: TPF : Symmetry, Dualism, Holism
Balance implies (a) stasis. Cycling implies (a) return. Neither is the case. — tim wood
That's why the Yin/Yang concept describes a dynamic balance. Even the symbol looks like it's whirling around. The complementary oppositions of our universe (male/female, hot/cold) are what makes the world go around -- figuratively and physically. ☯
That's why the Yin/Yang concept describes a dynamic balance. Even the symbol looks like it's whirling around. The complementary oppositions of our universe (male/female, hot/cold) are what makes the world go around -- figuratively and physically. ☯
Re: TPF : Symmetry, Dualism, Holism
I think what ↪Ying
was getting at is that the yin/yang is rooted in the notion of nondualism: — javra
Perhaps. But I was replying to Tim's implication that "balance" must be static. It's true that perfect balance would be "static" and frozen due to the cessation of motion. But that's not a description of our ever-changing world. Instead, positive and negative forces in the universe, seem to be balanced just enough to allow for the emergence of Life & Mind, which would not survive a more chaotic environment.
I interpret the circle that encloses the swirling black & white forms to symbolize the dynamic balance of a whole (non-dual) system consisting of (dual) diametrically opposing forces. A static balance would be symbolized as equal halves of the circle. ◑ But a slight imbalance would allow for change. ☯
Is the world balanced? :
Yes! It is. The world exists because there is a balance, a balance slightly in favor of stabilizing forces as opposed to destabilizing forces, . . . ... 239827.jpg
I think what ↪Ying
was getting at is that the yin/yang is rooted in the notion of nondualism: — javra
Perhaps. But I was replying to Tim's implication that "balance" must be static. It's true that perfect balance would be "static" and frozen due to the cessation of motion. But that's not a description of our ever-changing world. Instead, positive and negative forces in the universe, seem to be balanced just enough to allow for the emergence of Life & Mind, which would not survive a more chaotic environment.
I interpret the circle that encloses the swirling black & white forms to symbolize the dynamic balance of a whole (non-dual) system consisting of (dual) diametrically opposing forces. A static balance would be symbolized as equal halves of the circle. ◑ But a slight imbalance would allow for change. ☯
Is the world balanced? :
Yes! It is. The world exists because there is a balance, a balance slightly in favor of stabilizing forces as opposed to destabilizing forces, . . . ... 239827.jpg
Re: TPF : Symmetry, Dualism, Holism
Dualism/yin-yang, as I explained to tim wood and baker, doesn't exclude the grey zone. — TheMadFool
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