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Historically, the dominant worldview of civilizations and cultures has swung between the two poles of practical  Materialism and theoretical Idealism. Idealist societies, such as medieval Europe, tend to focus their intellectual energy and attention on otherworldly matters, hence material progress stagnates. In their more worldly materialistic  phases, cultures such as modern Europe prefer to emphasize the here and now, accelerating technical (analytical) progress to the detriment of spiritual (holistic) development. Eastern cultures, that have been traditionally more Idealistic, are now attempting to catch-up with pragmatic Western nations in technical prowess and materialistic goods. Consequently, the internal struggles between Body and Soul, Part and Whole create tension and friction for those on both sides of the moral/material balance point.    

Materialists often object to the intrusion of idealistic, meta-physical religious and philosophical concepts into the pragmatic, scientific search for understanding of the world around us.  But it is my contention that it was materialistic Science itself, following the evidence where it led, that accidentally stumbled into the forbidden realm of Idealism. If they could turn back the clock to the golden age of science–-before the unexpected and unwanted intrusions of Einstein and the Quantum Theorists into regions of the universe beyond the limited scope of man’s physical senses–-Materialism would still reign supreme. Since Einstein showed the practical impossibility of going backward in time, I guess we will just have to move forward, and deal with the perplexing paradoxes of pre-cosmic and sub-atomic reality in the scientific spirit of open-minded skepticism. And let the facts fall where they may.

I’m not so idealistic that I could believe we are on the verge of a final resolution of this long-standing philosophical debate. But I do see a glimmer of light ahead of us in the tunnel of life. If humanity can come to see that the duality of this world is natural, necessary, and inherent in material Reality, but not in metaphysical Ideality, then perhaps a detente can be negotiated so we can work together toward common goals in both realms. Conflict is an unavoidable effect of Duality, but those opposing forces can be resolved in Ideality.

The Enformationism paradigm envisions a convergence of scientific knowledge and philosophical wisdom; matter & mind; real & ideal; body & soul. But like any paradigm shift, it may take a long time to take hold. This thesis is just a beginning. ●


1. Some may infer from the Enformationism hypothesis that reality is an illusion, or Maya as Hindus and Buddhists call it. From the objective perspective of an observer external to this universe that may be true. But for subjective, individual minds what you see is what you get. To your physical senses Reality is real, and matter is the substance of reality.

2. Others may infer that reports of ancient and New Age mind-over-matter-miracles are valid. Yet again, I have seen no evidence of occult mental powers that allow humans to control matter by psycho-kinesis.  If you want to move a mountain, you’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way : by transforming your mind-power into mundane manpower, horsepower or TNT power.

–2– Hypothesis


Enformationism is        

A worldview or belief system grounded on the assumption that Information, rather than Matter, is the basic substance of everything in the universe.

It is intended to be the successor to the 19th century paradigm of Materialism.

. . . it is my contention that it was materialistic Science itself, following the evidence where it led, that accidentally stumbled into the forbidden realm of Idealism.


Unlike matter and energy, Mind and Information are not restricted to the sphere of space and time.

—- gnomon


Information is the foundational  element of the real world. It is that which gives form to matter and puts the “en” in energy. Without information, nothing would exist.

—- gnomon


“Materia mendacium verax”

Matter is a lie, and yet true.

— Arthur Shopenhauer


The broad view that reality is mental. . . .

It is obvious, on just a little reflection, that all the things which compose the world have no existence without a mind, that their being is to be perceived.

—-George Berkeley

The Principles of Human Knowledge


In Einstein’s  own words, ‘How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of experience, fits so excellently the objects of physical reality?

—- Mario Livio

          The Golden Ratio