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The Enformationism Hypothesis
The Enformationism hypothesis begins with the ancient, but still controversial, theory that the fundamental “substance” of reality is not sensible energy or tangible matter, but abstract spirit, soul, or mind. Yet it concludes that those mysterious, metaphysical, mental building blocks of reality are nothing stranger than the ordinary, mundane objects of thought that we take for granted in our everyday thinking.
Axiom: Consciousness is real and primal. Hence, Mental concepts are categorically and hierarchically prior to material things. Premise 1: At the quantum level of reality matter is essentially reduced to mathematical information. Premise 2: The essence of mind and thought is Information, which consists of patterns and relationships between things. Conclusion: Matter and Energy are condensed forms of abstract, ethereal information. Therefore, the 19th century, reductive, physical, scientific Paradigm of Materialism should be updated to include the knowledge emerging from 21st century, holistic, metaphysical Information Sciences. ●
This is not a formal, academic dissertation, but an informal expression of a personal hypothesis–-
Raised in a fundamentalist, American, Christian, Protestant sect, I was indoctrinated with a hybrid worldview based primarily on ideological ancient scriptures, but pragmatically adapted to life in a modern, secular, multicultural society. Hence, I arrived at adulthood with a mild case of cognitive dissonance from the conflicting beliefs inherent in a dualistic, Natural/Supernatural conception of the structure and function of the world around me.
As education and experience accumulated, my views gradually swung in the direction of Naturalism, and I put away my childish mystical/mythical conception of reality. Over time, as a nonreligious Agnostic, I built-
So, instead of concerning myself with pointless philosophical and theological speculation, I focused on building a reliable scientific Worldview to replace my inherited, discredited religious beliefs. And yet, as I learned about Quantum Theory, Systems Theory, Information Theory, Multiverse Theory, and Memetic Evolution, the key to a possible evolutionary creation scenario began to emerge from the scientific stew. [1]
The common link between all of those loosely-
From that point onward, one thing led to another, and the evolving concept of Informationism began to emerge, and to evolve into Enformationism . This Post-
Philosophers and religious sages for millennia have imagined G*D, Brahma, Tao as a bodyless Universal Mind or pure Creative Consciousness -
Proposal 3: Consciousness is information.
According to this model, consciousness is the primary structural element of the universe.
If consciousness = information = meaning, then, since information is everywhere and not just in the brain, one would have to ascribe some degree of consciousness to all areas of the body, indeed everything in the universe.