Shannon, Claude and Weaver, W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Univ. of Illinois Press, 1963. [Shannon and Weaver broadly defined communication as “all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another”.]
Shermer, Michael. How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science. W.H. Freeman & Co., 2000. [“In fact, the original Greek meaning of mythos as “word”, in the sense of a final pronouncement, to be contrasted with logos, also “word”, but one whose veracity may be disputed”]
Smith, Wolfgang. The Quantum Enigma : Finding the Hidden Key. Sophia Perrinis, 1995. [“. . . The conception of physical systems . . . at which we have arrived is in a way classical, and can in fact be understood from a traditional metaphysical point of view.”]
Smolin, Lee. The Trouble with Physics : The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. [comment : Science has run into the limits of reductionism]
Smuts, Jan C. Holism and Evolution : The Original Source of the Holistic Approach to Life. Sierra Sunrise Books, 1999. [“This factor, called Holism in the following, underlies the synthetic tendency in the universe.”]
Wilbur, Ken. The Marriage of Sense and Soul : Integrating Science and Religion. Random House, 1998. [“The mind itself, far from being nothing but an otherworldly soul trapped in a material body, is intimately interwoven with the biomaterial brain (not reducible to it, but not drastically divorced from it either)”]
Wilbur, Ken. A Brief History of Everything : God, Life, The Universe, and Everything. Shambala, 1996. [“It deals with matter, life, mind, and sprit, and the evolutionary currents that seem to unite them all in a pattern that connects”.]
Wright, Robert. Three Scientists And Their Gods : Looking For Meaning in an Age of Information. Times Books, 1988. [“Claude Shannon . . called for a good working definition of information. . . When translated into mathematical symbols, it bore a striking resemblance to the definition of entropy. In fact, the two were identical”.]
E n d o f B i b l i o g r a p h y
Puzzled by the paradoxes of both Science and Religion, I began to entertain the thought, what if the quantum theory metaphors are literally true and real?
What if an electron is actually a definition instead of a mysterious wave/particle? What if energy is a carrier of instructions instead of "the mysterious ability to do work"? What if a force field is a web of geometric relationships instead of "a mysterious place in space where something happens"? These what-if scenarios don't make any sense to the physical /material senses. But they do make sense to the metaphysical /rational senses of mathematicians and philosophers. Consequently, I have begun to view the world from a different perspective than the Christian worldview I was raised in, and the Logical-Positive belief system that I later adopted. I’m now calling my new personal paradigm "Enformationism". It’s not yet an officially recognized scientific worldview. But as time goes by, I think the reality of Ideality will be gradually, grudgingly accepted by thinkers on the leading edge of human understanding. The man on the street may never get-it rationally, but they have always intuitively grasped the fact that there’s more to reality than meets the eye.
From the novel perspective of Enformationism, matter & energy are perceptible forms of information; En-form-action is the process of making things sensible to the mind; and Mind is where Information is created, transmitted, and interpreted. Mind is both In-former and Interpreter. Information is metaphysical stuff contained in physical substrates, but capable of being transformed from one container to another. An empty cup is full of space, which is full of virtual information. An ancient Chinese saying goes; "we value a cup for the space inside" ─ not for what it is, but for its potential. The form of a cup defines its function ─ its value. If space is information, then we live and move and exist in a matrix of meaning ─ potential matter. Unlike material objects though, I can give away information and still have it. Information has always been recognized as useful, even when its reality has been denied. However, due to the post-quantum adventures of science, the 19th century paradigm of Sensible Materialism, Causal Determinism, and Logical Positivism is being remodeled to accommodate the undeniable realities of 21st century Mental Informationism, Acausal Indeterminism, and Statistical Probabilitism. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the many forms of Information, but there’s no need to label the investigation of the unknown as Mysticism. It’s just science probing in the dark.
Apparently, information not only has structure; it is a prerequisite for the creation of structure–-and for its preservation. It doesn’t merely embody order, it advances order and maintains it. Information lies not just in form; information lies in formation.
—-- Robert WrightThree Scientists
Both DNA and the human brain exist because it takes information processing to defy the spirit of the second law [of thermodynamics]
—-Robert Wright
Re. E. O. Wilson :
In short, scientists should be both reductionists and holists. And they should be aware that complete, top-to-bottom reduction, though possible in principle, will never be practical.